First published in 1999, this book provides answers to many of the problems associated with the design and application of auditory warnings. It represents the position of contemporary auditory warnings research and development in a single unique volume. Application domains include air traffic control, aviation, emergency services, manufacturing, medicine, military and nuclear power. The contributors constitute many key experts in this area, some of whom are psychoacousticians, some psychologists and some ergonomists. Correspondingly, the chapters range from those covering basic topics such as audibility and localization of warnings, through psychological issues concerned with the relationship between design, understanding and the behavioural response, to the more general ergonomic issues of implementing the warnings in a particular context. Although each of the chapters takes a slightly different perspective, they all balance theoretical underpinning with practical application. The editors have undertaken to draw all of the contributions together by providing an overview of warnings research at the beginning of the book and summary of the contributions at the end. This book will appeal to all involved in the research, development, design and implementation of auditory warnings.