Korvaava tuote: 9780135154281
Showing clearly why traditional leadership strategies are no longer appropriate, this unique, visionary text addresses leadership development for police officers in the 21st Century--with a focus on the leadership competencies required of line police officers in community policing environments. Blending leadership theory with real-world practices (examples, case studies, problems and applications), it explores the full range of leadership competencies--in communications, problem solving, planning, organization, and human relations--and provides concrete examples of both effective and ineffective leadership. A "how to" section in each skills chapter discusses techniques for developing leadership curricula in the skill in police academies, college-level leadership courses, and continuing education programs. KEY TOPICS: The Challenge of Modern Police Leadership. Who Is a Leader? Communication: Key to Interpersonal Relations Problem Solving. Motivation: Key to Success. Planning and Organizing. Actuation and Implementation. The Ethical Leader. MARKET: For Criminal Justice professionals and practitioners.