Edward Yourdon's Death March has long been the definitive guide to surviving high-pressure IT projects of all kinds: projects built on impossible demands, with impossible schedules and woefully inadequate resources. Now, in this completely revised Third Edition, Yourdon systematically addresses today's project realities, challenges, methods, and tools. He explains how new agile processes can help to avoid "death marches" -- but why agile by itself won't ensure your success or even your survival in a death-march project. He also provides detailed guidance and recommendations for improving projects through the effective use of social media tools including Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and wikis.
Replete with new and updated case studies and examples, Death March, Third Edition offers indispensable new insights into communication and collaboration among project team members, customers, and stakeholders. It reflects everything the legendary Ed Yourdon has learned about projects through more than 40 years at the forefront of the worldwide software engineering community -- and fully prepares you for what's coming next.