SDRC’s I-DEAS Student Guide Revised Edition created by Mark Lawry provides the “big picture” of I-DEAS, and shows how it fits together as an integrated Mechanical Computer Aided Engineering environment. It provides a quick technical introduction to I-DEAS, including I-DEAS versions 9 and 10, and is ideal for users who want to learn other capabilities of the software. Numerous screen captures provide a visual parallel to the explanations given in the text.
The Student Guide covers basic commands and procedures, in a format that makes for convenient reference. The chapter-ending section includes a series of Tutorials that demonstrate basic concepts in a hands-on way. Workshop section follow the Tutorials, and allow users to apply their knowledge in a design context.
The Appendix of the book includes an Icon Summary list, a section on Advanced Features and Interfaces, and a practical Troubleshooting Reference. The index is set up to further increase the reference value of the Student Guide