Whether you're looking for entry-level work, short-term job experience that can lead to a satisfying career, or a specific, advertised job, the ability to convince a prospective employer of your abilities -on paper and in person-will be crucial to your success. Nail the Job gives you the competitive edge with tips and advice for the job search: - From insipid to inspired: what constitutes a winning cover letter- How to write a targeted, knock-'em dead résumé- How to leave perfect voice-mail and e-mail messages- What you need to know about your potential employer and how to use that knowledge to ask smart, insightful questions- Cocky versus confident: how best to articulate your desire to get a specific job- What to wear-and what not to wear-to an interview and understanding what your body language says about you- How to work with a headhunter- How to make a great impression in the first ninety days on the jobvisit www.mbajungle.com