CD / Album
1. Go Bring Me a Lass
2. The Trooper
3. A Young Man and a Maid
4. A Wanton Trick
5. There Was a Knight
6. Two Maidens Went Walking One Day
7. A Lusty Young Smith
8. Tom and Doll
9. A Riddle
10. A Maiden Did a Bathing Go
11. The Jolly Tinker
12. Old Fumbler
13. The Three Travelers
14. Kit Hath Lost Her Key
15. To a Lady
16. The Four Able Physicians
17. Sylvia the Fair
18. Uptails All
19. Tottingham Frolic
20. A Young Man
21. A Tradesman
22. A Tenement to Let
23. The Playhouse Saint
24. Merchant and the Fiddler's Wife
25. A Virgin's Meditation
26. Would You Have a Young Virgin
27. The Jolly Miller
28. Of Chloe and Celia
29. A Lady So Frolic and Gay
30. My Thing Is My Own
31. The Jolly Pedlar's Pretty Thing
32. Phillis
33. To Bed to Me
1. The Yeoman of Kent
2. The Shepherd
3. Old Brass to Mend
4. Celia
5. As I Walked in the Woods
6. The Merry Wedding
7. Whilst Alexis Lay Prest
8. How Happy's the Miller
9. The Hive of Bees
10. The Sound Country Lass
11. She Rose to Me Let Me In
12. The Country Wake
13. Pillycock
14. When Flora Had On Her New Gown
15. The Spinning Wheel
16. The End
17. Petition
18. Character of a Mistress
19. Rapture
20. The Miller's Daughter
21. I Dreamed My Love
22. The Presbyterian Wedding
23. A Lamentable Case
24. The Way to Win Her
25. She Lay All Naked
26. A Pleasant Ballad
27. A Maiden's Delight
28. The Vine
29. Three Birds
30. The Fornicator