The Conference of European Statisticians (CES) at its plenary session in 2006 conducted a seminar on human resources and training in statistical offices. The seminar concluded that human resources and training are crucial elements for the successful fulfilment of the mission of the offices and that there was a need to continue the exchange of experience in the area of human resources and training. Hence, as a follow-up to the CES seminar, workshops on human resources management and training (HRMT) were organised in 2008, 2010 and 2012 where HRMT issues were discussed. This paper takes a forward looking approach and provides an outline of the future challenges in the area of HRMT for statistical offices. It also on the discussions at the workshop in 2012 and incorporates issues that were raised by countries, as well as information collected through a survey to CES member countries on their practices and plans in HRMT.