A complete author's toolkit: The guide that demystifies every step of the publishing process. No matter what type of book you want to write—fiction, nonfiction, humor, sci-fi, romance, cookbook, children's book—here is how to take an idea you're passionate about, develop it into a manuscript or proposal, get it published, and deliver it into the hands and hearts of readers. Includes interviews with dozens of publishing insiders—agents, editors, besteslling authors, and booksellers. Real-life success stories and the lessons they impart. Plus sample proposals and query letters, a resource guide, and more. Updated to cover ebooks, self-publishing, digital marketing, the power of social media, and more. This complete author's toolkit includes information on:- locating, luring, and landing an agent - perfecting your pitch - the nuts and bolts of a book proposal - conquering the query letter - finding the right publisher for YOU - four steps to reaching readers online - making Amazon work for you - kickstarting your Kickstarter campaign - the ins and outs of ebooks - 10 things you should have on your author website - turning rejection into a book deal - new frontiers in self-publishing