The theme of the 2013/14 ars viva prize is "Truth / Reality." Questions about truth and reality have not only again gained relevance in philosophy but in art as well-thanks to documentary strategies, travesties, and reenactments. These search criteria play a role in the works by the three prizewinners in various ways: in his objects, collages, and installations, Bjoern Braun (*1979 in Berlin) subjects things to a material and conceptual metamorphosis. In his films, John Skoog (*1985 in Malmoe) sets out on a search for the truths and stories that are inherent in everyday moments and actions. The installations, performances, and films by Adrian Williams (*1979 in Portland) often revolve around the phenomenon that even a single sound can evoke a physical reality. Exhibition schedule: Neues Museum, Weimar, October 20, 2013-January 5, 2014 | MMK Museum fur Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, February 8-April 6, 2014 | GAM-Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Turin, June-August 2014
Text by: Nicole Brenez, Peter Gorschluter, Mark Nash, Christiane Rekade