More and more people are contemplating building their dream home. This book explains the process stage by stage, and is designed to help you turn your dream into reality - what ever your experience or level of skill. Essentially, this book provides you with the practical knowledge required to go beyond your aspirations, to take the fist step and start building the perfect home. You do not need to be a qualified draughtsman or competent electrician; if you have enough drive and enthusiasm you will succeed.
Contents: Part 1: Before You Begin; 1. Why do it?; 2. Personal qualities; 3. Living arrangements; 4. Finding suitable land; 5. Assessing the site; 6. Buying the site; 7. The house design; 8. Planning permission; 9. Building regulations; Part 2: Let's Get Started; 10. Personal involvement; 11. Preparing the site; 12. The substructure; 13. Constructing the shell; 14. The roof; Part 3: Internal Works (The Fun Part); 15. Major features; 16. The floors; 17. The 1st 'fix'; 18. The wet trades; 19. The 2nd 'fix'; 20. Painting and decorating; Part 4: Completion & External Aspects; 21. Completion notice; 22. Beyond the threshold; 23. Time for contemplation.