MEMORIES QF YALE LIFE AND MEN 1845-1899 BY TIMOTHY DWIGHT NEW YORK DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY I 95 Cop y r i g 5 1 i 9 o 3, b y Dodd, Moadand Company Published, May t 1903. XH5 OAXTON PRESS HW YOWK Cnt, U. 8, A, TO THE FRIENDS OF THE PRESENT TIME AND THE PAST IN ASSOCIATION WITH WHOM IT HAS BEEN MY HAPPY FORTUNE TO GIVE MY SERVICE TO YALE UNIVERSITY THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED PREFATORY NOTE. THE story of the years which is presented on the following pages has, like all records of personal memories, its starting-point and, in large meas ure, its movement in the sphere of individual experi ence. If, as a consequence of this fact, a certain prominence appears at times to be given to its author which, in a volume of a different order, would not b. e manifest, and which, had it seemed practicable at the outset, he would have gladly avoided, he can only ask indulgence of his readers, requesting them to turn their thought, as far as may be, from himself and to center it wholly upon the life of the University and the men who are described. For the graduates of Yale, whether of the earlier or the later time, the writer hopes that the story may have an interest because it tells somewhat of the growth and progress, during the half-century just ended, of the institution which they love. For others, who as friends of the University are ever ready to rejoice in its well being, he trusts that the book will carry in itself a pleas ant record of the past and a happy prophecy of the future while to all, wherever they may be, who prize the privilege of the higher education, its pages, if they chance to read them, cannot fail, as he thinks, to bring some word of encouragement that the blessings attend ant uponthis privilege will hereafter be yet greater and more widely extended. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I THE HOPKINS GRAMMAR SCHOOL AND ITS RECTOR . . i II BEGINNINGS OF COLLEGE LIFE u III OUR EARLIEST COLLEGE TEACHERS, 1845-46 THE IN STRUCTION AND DISCIPLINE OF THAT PERIOD . . 24 IV PRESIDENT DAYS RETIREMENT His CHARACTER AND WORK, AND His ERA 39 V STUDENT LIFE AT YALE, 1845-1849 55 VI RELIGIOUS EXERCISES AND PREACHING OF THE PERIOD COURSE OF STUDY AND DAILY STUDENT LIFE . . 76 VII LIFE AS GRADUATE STUDENT, AND IN THE TUTORSHIP 1849 to l8 55 97 VIII THE OLD FACULTY PROFESSORS SILLIMAN AND KINGSLEY 114 IX THE OLD FACULTY PROFESSORS OLMSTED AND LARNED . 140 X THE OLD FACULTY PROFESSORS PORTER, THACHER, HADLEY AND STANLEY 157 XI DR. WOOLSEY His INAUGURATION, AND EARLY WORK . 181 XII OTHER INSTRUCTORS, AND TUTORS AND SOME MATTERS OF COLLEGE LIFE, 1851-55 202 XIII STUDENT YEARS IN GERMANY UNIVERSITIES OF BERLIN AND BONN, 1856-58 223 XIV YALE DIVINITY SCHOOL, AND ITS OLDER FACULTY . 251 XV THE DIVINITY SCHOOL ITS REBUILDING AND ITS LATER FACULTY 278 XVI DR. SAMUEL HARRIS, AND DR, LEONARD BACON . . 294 XVII DR. WOOLSEYS ADMINISTRATION SOME MEN OF His TIME, 1846-71 3 ri XVIII DR. PORTERS PRESIDENCY SOME MEN OF His ERA, 342 XIX THE UNIVERSITY - 1886-99 CHANGES FROM THE EARLIER TIME . 369 CONTENTS XX THE FACULTY PROFESSORS Looms, JAMES B. DANA AND NEWTON ... 384 XXI PROFESSORS WHITNEY, EATON, MARSH AND LYMAN . 401 XXII PROFESSORS MCLAUGHLIN, EDWARD J. PHELPS, SALIS BURY AND OTHERS . . . . . . .418 XXIII THE CORPORATION OF THIS PERIOD 1886-99 . . 433 XXIV THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY 1886-99, . 458 XXV QUESTIONS OF THE FUTURE . . ., - 477 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS THE OLD BRICK ROW IN 1863 - FrontispieceFACING PAGE HAWLEY OLMSTEAD, LL. D 8 YALE COLLEGE, IN 1845 1 8 The Old Presidents House in the Foreground at the Right of the Picture. PRESIDENT TIMOTHY DWIGHT, 1795-1817 . . 40 PRESIDENT JEREMIAH DAY .... 42 PROFESSOR ELEAZAR T. FITCH . . . 76 PROFESSOR CHAUNCEY A. GOODRICH ... 86 PROFESSOR BENJAMIN SILLIMAN . . .114 PROFESSOR JAMES L. KINGSLEY . . .126 PROFESSOR DENISON OLMSTED . . . .140 PROFESSOR WILLIAM A. LARNED . . .152 PROFESSOR ANTHONY D. STANLEY . . .178 PRESIDENT THEODORE D. WOOLSEY . . .192 Prom a Portrait Painted in 1844...