The region of Central Asia has become the focus of superpowers due to its rich energy resources and strategic location. It has been confronted with various threats such as illegal drug trafficking and narcotic movements, extremism, terrorism, ethnic and civil conflicts, border tensions, water and transport disputes, crime against women and many others. Unfortunately there has been limited regional cooperation and economic integration which makes it necessary to get a better understanding of economic integration and co-operation in other regions, particularly that of the EU. South Asia is the region of greatest civilization, located between the region of hydro carbons on the left and the South East Asian region on the right. The dynamics of the Great Game, emergence of the New Silk route, transport corridors taking shape, have made the region of Central Asia more exposed to external players such as China, Russia, Iran, India, Pakistan, Turkey, USA including Japan who have been trying to gain a foothold in Central Asia within the emerging volatile situation in its neighbourhood as a result of the troops withdrawal from Afghanistan. This book envisages to provide a deeper and wider understanding of the region of Central and South Asia within the given perspective.