This proceedings, Effects of Construction on Structures, consists of papers presented at two sessions of Geo-Congress '98 sponsored by the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers and held at the ASCE 1998 Annual Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, October 18-21, 1998. Whenever a new construction project begins near existing structures, there should be concern for the well-being of those nearby structures and their occupants. Over the long term, construction activities can induce structural settlement and distress, and damage to services, in existing structures. Construction-term disruptions due to noise, vibration, dust and diminished access can cause special short-term irritations to occupants of nearby buildings. Often, those affected occupants and structure owners have no vested interest in the new construction. This publication is intended to provide guidance on technical issues regarding the impact of construction on nearby structures to aid designers and builders engaged in projects located in developed areas.