Q: What do you get if you put a Conservative minister and a left-wing comedian on Question Time?
A: A minister who is at a disadvantage because she/he doesn't know any anti-left jokes of course !
In this and similar BBC settings, the inevitable leftist, anti-Tory jibes and grandstanding seem to have the edge, and colour public feeling - not just about ministers and policies, but the United Kingdom itself. This is no laughing matter! We are entitled to feel better about Britain and its past. For too long the left have monopolised these instruments, and sarcasm and insults continue to be part of their modus operandi.
What can we do about this unequal situation? Well, we can turn the tables on the lefty stand-ups for starters - by using jokes, wit, invective, humour, and sarcasm. Information and insights about the left, and the ability to identify leftist language and mores, are also valuable, and the content in this book provides that too.
So, if you simply want to annoy a lefty moonbat, or get clued-up on the counter-culture's high priest Herbert Marcuse (in Hades), or could do with a tonic against left-wing propaganda, then this book is for you.
This irreverent collection of jokes, one-liners, aphorisms, wisecracks, verse and more is as subversive as it is crucial to British comedy (and politics). This book is irrepressible!
With illustrations by the indomitable Sally Artz, creator of such memorable characters as `Libby, the Liberated Wife' and `Our Gran', this uniquely extensive, left-deflating book is sure to make waves and stamp its place in British history as the first, best and only book of jokes about the left!
Illustrated by: Sally Artz