This book is a replica (photo image) of an original survey book of Henry Eustace McCulloh. The original book is preserved in the Southern Historical Collection at the Wilson Library, UNC Chapel Hill, NC. Included in this book are images of the entire book, and modern maps used to locate some of these land records. There is an overview section which describes the contents of this book, and a brief overview about the 12 Great Tracts of Henry E. McCulloh's dad - Henry McCulloh. Each tract contained 100,000 acres. Yet, the McCulloh family will surrender the unsold land back to the King and some back to Lord Granville. However, the McCulloh's will purchase land from themselves, and then resell that land, which is exactly what is contained in this book. The drawings are amazingly detailed, and cover land in today's Rowan, Randolph, and Davidson Counties. Also a large detailed section of land near Salisbury and in part of downtown Lexington, NC.