The World Community and the 'Other' Terrorism describes a campaign against international terrorism that has been taking place for decades. As many states suffer from internal violence and terrorism that is national rather than international and cannot benefit from the solidarity inherent in this campaign, Bertil DunZr sets out to develop a paradigm for the systematic assessment of international responses to situations of internal violence-cum-terrorism. In order to provide such a paradigm with a maximum moral rigor, it was derived from the global human rights regime. While its impact could be perceived in the case studies (Turkey, Russia, Spain and the UK), a considerable number of other factors influenced policies, such as considerations pertaining to security or economy, bonds of friendship, peace-making ambitions, and humanitarian concerns. Studies on third parties to internal wars/insurgencies by human rights specialists typically address human rights violations in connection with such conflicts. In this study the global human rights doctrine is regarded as an element of support for a state under attack, rather than as a restriction for it, with important consequences for third parties. This unique approach for exploring the policies of bystander states makes The World Community and the 'Other' Terrorism an important contribution to International Relations and Conflict Resolution.