Based on the author's ethnographic study, this book examines the experiences of three four-year-old bilingual children as they begin school in three English nursery classes. It thus provides insights into young children's use of first languages as well as English, so provides a fuller and richer picture of bilingual children's learning. The book reveals some of the ways young bilingual children experience nursery as they begin to learn the language required for formal schooling. It demonstrates how they take control of their own learning at home. And it asks questions: How do Samia, Maria and Nazma find their own way through nursery? What are their individual strategies for getting by and, beyond that, for learning during their first year of formal schooling? How do they syncretise home and school learning? The detailed picture that emerges fills in the detail missing from the current over-generalised view of bilingual children in the early years and provides an important new perspective to a growing body of literature on young bilinguals. It will be essential reading for all teachers, early childhood practitioners and early years policy makers operating in multilingual environments.