Letters To A Young Dissenter, On The General Principles Of Nonconformity. PREFACE. The late attempts to impose restraints on religious liberty, and the important effect which one instance resulted from the firm and zealous, yet calm and constitutional efforts of the Dissenters, render it desirable that a concise sketch of the motives which induce, and the principles which justify, dissent from the Church of England, should be offered to public attention. Although the important principle that is master even Christ, remains, as in the days of those able advocates, the firm foundation of dissent from civil establishments of religion yet as their pubilications were principally designed to repel the attacks of Clergymen of the Establishment, many of whose objections would probably not now be urged by any person, and as opposition to forms and cerernonials was at that period considered of more importance than amongst Dissenters of the present day; no inconsiderable part of the writings of those authors is become inapplicable.