An unconventional chronicle, Conventional Wisdom is author-photographer ArthurDrooker's quirky look at conventions held by some unusual interest groups, including Lincolnpresenters, furries, and mermaids. Dropper documents these events as unique expressions ofcommunity, culture, and connection. The humorous and insightful text,including intimate interviews conducted with attendees, complements the stunning photographsDrooker shot during his visits to each convention over a three-year period. From theballrooms to the vendor rooms to the guest rooms, Drooker's ubiquitous camera capturesthe essence and exuberance of these annual gatherings.
Conventional Wisdom shows that regardless of what they'reabout, where they're held or who attends them, all conventions satisfy a basichuman urge: a longing to belong. The bookreveals that at conventions people who share similar interests, evenobsessions, come together to bond and to be themselves. The outside world doesn'tmatter. In fact, for the weekend duration of most conventions, the outsideworld doesn't even exist. An attendee Drooker met at the taxidermist conventionexpressed it best. “This isn't a convention,” he said. “It's a family reunion.”
Foreword by: James Wolcott