Our thesis is that the archaeological evidence suggests a severe economic
dislocation during the Late Minoan IB ceramic period in Crete. This
appears to have been triggered, first by a tectonic earthquake and shortly
afterwards by the eruption of Thera early in the Late Bronze Age (Late
Minoan IA) after which the situation gradually worsened, accompanied by a
general feeling of uncertainty caused by the eruption and its effects. The
tectonic earthquake led to abandonments at some sites or an effort to
rebuild in attempt to re-establish normal economic and social life. The
result of these two natural disasters gave local centers greater
independence from the traditional "Palaces". This fragmentation of Minoan
Crete brought about the end of the most highly developed economic system
in the Aegean although it was somewhat resurrected in the following
"Mycenaean" period. The natural events which proved to be the catalysts
for change, presaged the end of the traditional ruling elites which
appeared to have lost their assumed divine support. They tried in vain to
maintain their special status, but with major problems in food production
and distribution, the existing system disintegrated resulting in a process
of decentralisation with an increase in the regional exploitation of land
chiefly for local consumption; numerous lesser elites may well have
prospered in this environment. However, as in the Hellenistic period, the
fragmentation of Crete into many small centres may have led to internal
Cretan conflict and a massive wave of fire destructions in Late Minoan IB,
indicating a state of anarchy by the end of the period. That Mycenaeans
from Mainland Greece arrived on the island at some stage during the Late
Bronze Age is clear, although precisely when they arrived is a matter of
fierce debate. The "crisis years" of LM IB-II, in the fifteenth century
B.C., appear the most likely and opportune. During the succeeding
"Mycenaean" period, only the Palace at Knossos seems to have functioned as
a major centre. During LM II-III, there was a gradual but general decrease
in the sophistication of architecture and arts. The LM II period may
perhaps be regarded as the final phase of decline which began in LM IB,
with some major centres suffering destructions once again. By Late Minoan
II, a new Knossian elite or dynasty appears to have taken control and
installed a modified socio-political and economic system. The dynasty
relied heavily on administration and bureaucraty to maintain its position.
The Santorini eruption is here given the role of a precipitant
or catalyst, which began an entire series of changes which eventually
resulted in the absorption of Minoan Crete into the Mycenaean, and
ultimately, the Greek world.