From the creator of @lousydrawingsforgoodpeople comes an introvert's guide to getting through a people-packed day mentally intact, or as mentally intact as possible.
Does the outside world seem overly scary? Do social situations make you want to run for the hills? Is solitaire the only game you ever play? Ainsley Drew is one of you, which is why she created this ode to the enjoyment of your own company. Perfect for introverts and those who love them, How to Meet No One is the ultimate survival guide to everyday interactions, with tips that include how to:
sidestep small talk
flake on family gatherings
circumvent creeps
shut down a chatty commute
avoid bringing a vibe to the function
Ainsley knows that it's hard to step out of your comfort zone. With her hard-won advice in How to Meet No One, you might not ever have to.