1914. The textbook was composed from a course of lectures and discussions given first at the University of Illinois and later at Wesleyan University. Contents: Part I. The Evolution of Morality: The Origin of Personal Morality; The Origin of Social Morality; Outward Development-Morals; Inward Development-Conscience; The Individualizing of Conscience; Can We Base Morality Upon Conscience? Part II. The Theory of Morality: The Basis of Right and Wrong; The Meaning of Duty; The Judgment of Character; The Solution of Personal Problems; The Solution of Social Problems; Objections and Misunderstandings; Alternative Theories; The Worth of Morality. Part III. Personal Morality: Health and Efficiency; The Alcohol Problem; Marriage and Divorce; Fellowship, Loyalty and Luxury; Truthfulness and Its Problems; Culture and Art; The Mechanism of Self-Control; The Attainability of Happiness. Part IV. Public Morality: Patriotism and World-Peace; Political Purity and Efficiency; Social Alleviation; Industrial Wrongs; Industrial Reconstruction; Liberty and Law; Equality and Privilege; and The Future of the Race.