The aim of this book is to act as a stand-alone guide to, and practices for, Awakening and is mostly composed of articles, replies to questions and internet discussions on Awakening since the publication of Freedom From Anxiety and Needless Suffering. The thrust of the book is that the initial awakening which reveals that, in essence, we are Pure Awareness is very simple to obtain. Then this needs to be established by repeated awakenings due to the natural tendency to `nod off' and re-identify oneself as a separate object in a universe of separate objects. When one is awake then anxiety and unnecessary mental suffering disappear, for these are caused by this misidentification which causes us to see each other, and the world, through a murky filter of self-interest, self-concern, self-promotion, self-aggrandizement, self-loathing, the list is almost endless. It is this world-view that causes the anxiety and mental suffering based on concern for the future and feeling we are bound by the past.