In this long-awaited new edition of this successful text, the original Authors, Roy Dowsing and Frank Woodhams are joined by Ian Marshall. Together they have produced a book that has been extensively revised and updated. As in the previous edition, the book is intended as a first course on computer architecture for students of computer science, electronic engineering and related disciplines. It assumes no prior knowledge of computing, although familiarity with a high level programming language and use of a computer would be an advantage. It starts by discussing logic from basic principles, through combinatorial and sequential logic design to implementation techniques such as PLA'||'''s and gate arrays. The second part of the book then discusses the hardware components of a computer, comprising elements constructed using the logic design techniques discussed in the first part. This leads to the design of a small microprocessor system and a discussion of the 80x86 and 68000 processors including their instruction sets, addressing modes and hardware characteristics. The final part of the book focuses on communications and describes the basic techniques of data communications, networking - both wide and local area networks - and protocols. A final section highlights the developments in these topics and outlines possible future developments. Support material is available on the Authors'||''' website,, where the complete text may also be browsed.