CD / Album
1. Sorrow, Stay, Lend True Repentant Tears
2. Come Again, Sweet Love Doth Now Invite
3. Go, Crystal Tears
4. Mrs Winter's Jump
5. I Saw My Lady Weep
6. Flow, My Tears, Fall from Your Springs
7. Can She Excuse My Wrongs?
8. Behold a Wonder Here
9. Semper Dowland Semper Dolens
10. In Darkness Let Me Dwell
11. Time Stands Still
12. All Ye Whom Love Or Fortune Hath Betrayed
13. Say, Love If Ever Thou Didst Find
14. Lachrimae
15. Come Away, Come Sweet Love
16. Shall I Strive With Words to Move?
17. Burst Forth, My Tears
18. Fortune My Foe
19. Come, Heavy Sleep
20. Now, Oh Now I Needs Must Part - The Frog Galliard