A Writer's Voice preserves some of the best work of Joseph P. Linduska (1913-1993), an important figure in the cultural and scientific history of the Delmarva region. It brings together more than 100 of the popular essays that he wrote from 1986 to 1993 for the ""Kent County News"" of Chestertown, Maryland. Linduska drew on a fifty-year career as a research biologist, environmental conservationist, and award-winning writer to craft his weekly columns for the ""News."" His unique perspective on twentieth-century natural resource management included his research in the 1940s for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the biological effects of DDT. This work became the foundation for Rachel Carson's landmark publication, ""Silent Spring"", a decade later. ""A Writer's Voice"" will introduce a new generation of environmentally concerned readers to Linduska's strong conservation ethic and engaging writing style and reintroduce him to those familiar with his work.