This Core Curriculum is the culmination of many years of research, drawing from the fields of social and behavioral science, philosophy, and nursing to establish a core of knowledge that supports transcultural nursing practice. Editors Marilyn K. Douglas, DNSc, RN, FAAN, and Dula F. Pacquiao, EdD, RN, CTN, note in their preface, "Transcultural nursing practice incorporates education, research, administration and direct care provision within the multilevel contexts of the individual, organization, community, society and the world as a whole. The goal of TCN [transcultural nursing] practice is to promote health and well-being of individuals and populations by reducing health and care disparities through culturally congruent and competent approaches at the multilevel contexts of care."
The Core Curriculum was originally published as a supplement to the October 2010 issue of the Journal of Transcultural Nursing and is published as a package with that issue.