This fully updated second edition of Human Rights in Times of Terror and Conflict is a guide to international human rights law as it applies to situations of armed conflict, to counter-terrorism measures and to any other situation of actual or potential violence requiring security measures. These situations can lead to some of the most fundamental human rights being put in danger of being violated. These include the right to life, the prohibition of torture
and inhuman or degrading treatment, enforced disappearance, all the rights relating to detention and due process of law, and the freedoms most commonly affected by armed conflict and counter-terrorism.
The book begins with a presentation on the application of human rights to such situations and an explanation of the regime of limitations and derogations. After an overall description of the relationship between human rights law, on the one hand, and international humanitarian law and international counter-terrorism measures, on the other, the book concentrates on the rights themselves. Each chapter presents the relevant treaty provisions and explains the interpretation of the rights by
reference to the case law and general comments of these treaty bodies. The second edition includes a new chapter on remedies, the right to truth and accountability for human rights violations committed during times of conflict and the fight against terrorism. The book concludes with a section on how
international human rights law protects certain vulnerable and disadvantaged populations in such situations.