Steps to College Reading provides students extensive practice developing basic reading skills at a new value price.
Designed for the most basic developmental reading course (Grades 6ׯ), Steps to College Reading emphasizes the idea of reading as a three-step process through a prepare read respond strategy. More assistance is provided to students with the pre-reading step than in other texts. Prereading questions precede each selection. Reading passages cover a broad range of topics that will interest students and be relevant to their college work. Chapters contain numerous short pieces for illustration and practice and move to longer pieces for more sustained reading. However, because the book is designed for the more basic course, the readings are always of a manageable length for students.
Steps to College Reading differs from its more advanced companion text, The Reading Context, by providing shorter and simpler explanations of key concepts; by using more visuals to accommodate alternate learning styles; by providing more vocabulary work; by covering reading rates; and by using simpler readings. This text offers more help with reading textbook material and provides full chapters on understanding the difference between specific and general statements, understanding implied ideas, reading graphics, and responding to expressive and persuasive writing.