Meet Scout Brooks-a high school freshman with no friends and no interests. So when all hope is apparently lost on his first day, Scout is stunned when he finds himself befriending two other socially awkward freshman in the same boat as him. And that was just the nudge he needed. He decides to join The Astro Nogs-an after school astronomy club lead by the odd-ball Professor, Ed Nog. But the first club meeting doesn't go as planned, and Scout witnesses something that he's seen only in bad sci-fi movies. Nog's secret is out, and Scout is quickly thrust into a quirky world filled with robots, interstellar travel, vengeful aliens, and is ultimately put in charge of leading a rescue mission in a far away galaxy.
This wasn't what Scout had in mind for his freshman year, but when life gives you a laser gun, you accept it with a smile, and picture just how cool you look while totally destroying them aliens.