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Debuting in its first edition, American Foreign Policy in a New Era takes the contemporary challenges of globalization and hyper-partisanship as its starting point, and surveys how foreign policy is made and to what ends. This brief text is not only a review of theory, history, actors, institutions, and key policies but also an examination of how policymakers are affected by domestic and international political factors. Telling a uniquely engaging story of how foreign policy is made, American Foreign Policy in a New Era help readers understand the changing leadership role of the United States and the effect of world politics on the everyday life of Americans.
0205853641 / 9780205853649 American Foreign Policy in a New Era Plus MySearchLab with eText -- Access Card Package
Package consists of:
0205210244 / 9780205210244 American Foreign Policy in a New Era
0205239927 / 9780205239924 MySearchLab with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card