Digital images, Internet resources, presentation and social software, interactive animation, and other new technologies offer a host of new possibilities for art history instruction. Teaching Art History with New Technologies: Reflections and Case Studies assists faculty in negotiating the digital teaching terrain. The text documents the history of computer-mediated art history instruction in the last decade and provides an analysis of the increasing number of tools now at the disposal of art historians. It presents a series of reflections and case-studies by early adopters who have not just replaced older materials with new, but who have advanced the discipline's pedagogy in doing so. The essays illustrate how new technologies are changing the way art history is taught, summarize lessons learned, and identify challenges that remain. Given the transitional state of the field, with faculty ranging from the computer-phobic to the computer-savvy, these case studies represent a broad spectrum, from those that focus on the thoughtful integration of new technologies into traditional teaching to others that look beyond the familiar art history lecture or seminar format. They provide both practical suggestions and theoretical models for historians of art and visual culture interested in what computer-mediated applications have been successful in art history teaching and where such new approaches may be leading us.