myITcertificationlabs: MCTS 70-640 is an easy-to-use exam preparation service that both tests your readiness and teaches you what you need to know to pass the latest version of the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) 70-640 Active Directory Configuration exam. The Web-based service assesses your knowledge with brief, objective-specific quizzes. Then it provides not only feedback in areas where you need further study within the objective, but you are also provided with the actual study materials you need to learn in the form of PDFs from our MCTS 70-640 Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring Cert Guide by Don Poulton, as well as other visual learning tools.
When you have completed all the objectives, you can take two full-length practice exams, providing you a measurement on your exam readiness, practice for the exam experience, and confidence to pass the Microsoft MCTS 70-640 exam.