Neue Horizonte employs a four-skill approach to German that stresses communicative competence, cultural awareness, and mastery of language structures. Students learn the language through solid grammar presentation, useful exercises, and an excellent selection of literary readings. Almost all of the pedagogy throughout the sixth edition has been revised to reflect reviewer comments and current trends in spoken German, making Neue Horizonte better than ever! Highlights of the sixth edition include: - New! A revised design makes the text organisation clearer and enhances visual appeal - New! Info-Austausch (Information Gap) activities in most chapters expand on the communicative aspect of the text by asking students to work in pairs and share information - New! Nach den Lesen includes a new feature, Schreibtipp, to provide suggestions for approaching the writing exercise--Schreiben wir mall--or offer practical tips on standard writing practices - New! Realia-based exercises in Chapters 5, 7, 9, and 14 give students authentic German materials to work with, as they might find living or travelling in Germany - New!
A Cultural reading (Lesestuck) has been added to Chapter 1 and readings in Chapters 5, 7, 8, and 13 have been revised so students learn from updated materials