In the Name of God - Who Knew What When? will take the readers back to the beginning of the 2002 Catholic Church sex scandal implosion that ricocheted across the globe like breaking dominoes. Author Christine Dolan was there from before the break in the damn as an investigative journalist. Originally from Boston, and raised in a prominent Catholic family, Dolan was able to discover information that even the Massachusetts prosecutors were ignorant of in early January 2002. Her sources went deep inside the Church and when she realized the Church thought they were protected by Canon Law, she dug deeper into the criminal model whose goal was to protect the Church at all costs. Prosecutors were negotiating with Cardinal Law's lawyers. She told them to pivot and seize the ""historical secret archives"" regardless of the statute of limitation hurdles so they understood the roadmap. Dolan proved with documentation that the Church leadership had documents going back to the 3rd century.