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The ultimate one-stop success guide to the EMT-Paramedic exam—now fully updated!
If you want to ace the EMT Paramedic Certification Exam, there's no better study partner than McGraw-Hill EMT-Paramedic Exam Review. Based on in-the-trenches insights from seasoned EMT instructor Peter A. DiPrima, Jr., this concise, skill-building learning tool helps you think through pre-hospital medicine while covering every must-know topic on the exam—from pharmacology to hazardous materials awareness.
Each chapter begins with a clinical scenario followed by a bulleted overview of key topics and is summarized by chapter-ending Q&As. Also included are valuable exam preparation tips, the do's and don'ts of answering multiple-choice questions, and much more. Turn to any page, and you’ll see that the Third Edition of McGraw-Hill EMT-Paramedic Exam Review has everything you need to boost your confidence—and your score.