This textbook introduces methods of accelerating transient stability (dynamic) simulation and electromagnetic transient simulation on massively parallel processors for large-scale AC-DC grids – two of the most common and computationally onerous studies done by energy control centers and research laboratories for the planning, design, and operation of such integrated grids for ensuring the security and reliability of electric power. Simulation case studies provided in the book range from small didactic test circuits to realistic-sized AC-DC grids, and special emphasis is placed on detailed device-level multi-physics models for power system equipment and decomposition techniques for simulating large-scale systems.
Parallel Dynamic and Transient Simulation of Large-Scale Power Systems: A High Performance Computing Solution is a comprehensive state-of-the-art guide for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in power systems engineering. Practicing engineers, software developers, and scientists working in the power and energy industry will find it to be a timely and valuable reference for solving potential problems in their design and development activities.
Detailed device-level electro-thermal modeling for power electronic systems in DC grids;
Provides comprehensive dynamic and transient simulation of integrated large-scale AC-DC grids;
Offers detailed models of renewable energy system models.