This clear, straightforward textbook gives students everything they need to know about management - without unnecessary and expensive 'extras'. Written for an undergraduate unit, this text provides insights into the ideas, thoughts and practices of management, and shows students how the world of the practical manager and the world of management theory can be useful to one another. The text includes student-friendly explanations, key definitions, self-test exercises and additional extension exercises, and the appendices include a glossary, a study guide covering academic skills, and a student answer key.
This title includes: each chapter that begins with a list of learning outcomes and ends with an extensive chapter review; terms and concepts review questions, skill builders, discussion questions and case studies - free solutions available to lecturers; communication & ethics chapters (Chs 10 & 14) that are thoroughly updated; free PowerPoint slides for instructors and lecturers; saleable supplements that currently include a Workbook, a Mandarin-English Glossary of Management Terms, and a Mandarin Study Guide.