This anthology looks at Las Vegas, a city of enduring public fascination, from a variety of nontraditional and culturally diverse perspectives; readers experience the "real Las Vegas" that exists beyond the tourist cliches.
The contributors themselves are diverse-in age (from 21 to post-retirement), gender, sexual orientation, and cultural background.
Some of the contributors are well-known to Las Vegas readers, including H. Lee Barnes, Michael Green, Dawn-Michelle Baude, Heather Lang, Stacy J. Willis, and Sarah Jane Woodall, and fans of those and other writers in the book will be interested in this book.
The styles of writing take full advantage of the freedoms inherent in the essay form, ranging from objective and learned to deeply personal, highly stylized, and surprisingly funny. But they're all unified by a deep engagement with the book's theme.
As the latest in a series of books - the Las Vegas Writes project - that's allied with the Vegas Valley Book Festival, Back to Where You Once Belonged arrives with a built-in awareness among literary Las Vegans, many of whom have other books in the series.