This proven best-selling study guide, used in conjunction with PMI's PMBOK Guide - Sixth Edition and the Project Management Professional (PMP) Examination Content Outline dated June 2019 and reissued May 2020, presents all the fundamental knowledge, concepts, exercises, and practice exam questions a project manager needs to prepare for and successfully pass the Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification Exam on the first try, while cutting study time in half.
Key Features:
--Covers all subjects addressed on the PMP Exam, including the comprehensive performance domain and cross-cutting knowledge and skills defined within the PMI PMP Examination Content dated June 2019 and reissued May 2020 and the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct--Provides free online access to over 1500 practice questions, including hundreds of situational questions, enabling users to perform practice tests by Knowledge Areas and/or simulate actual 200 question exams, and receive feedback on incorrect answers
--Details key topics, concepts, and techniques from PMI recommended readings, eliminating the need for additional resources