Racial discrimination is a topical subject, given the increased migration and movement of people of different ethnic origins and cultural backgrounds throughout the world, and given that most countries are multiethnic and multicultural. This book deals with racial discrimination and covers a myriad of aspects, such as its definition, categories of persons protected against racism, commitments taken by States, problems and difficulties of States in fulfilling their commitments, and activities of international bodies monitoring the implementation of international instruments, mainly the Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). The book combines theoretical aspects of racism with States' practice in implementing the 1965 International Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). Activities of human rights treaty bodies and other international mechanisms dealing with the protection of human rights are also covered. It provides a guide to the application of the ICERD and is aimed at government officials, human rights activists, non-governmental organizations, scholars, and students.