The Marketing Science Institute (MSI) has a 38-year history of funding high-profile scholarly research on topics that have managerial significance. MSI′s pioneering work on "developing a market orientation," heretofore only available as a series of working papers, is presented in book form for the first time by Sage Publications, Inc. Market orientation is best defined as an organization-level culture, a set of shared values and beliefs about putting the customer first in business planning. This book demonstrates the importance of market orientation on organizational culture (the shared set of values for putting customers first), on strategy (the creation of superior value for a firm′s customers), and on tactics (the set of cross-functional activities directed at creating and satisfying customers). An illustrious group of authors under the leadership of MSI Executive Director Rohit Deshpandé, (Harvard Business School), has collaborated on this unique and timely book. The wisdom of Developing a Market Orientation should be experienced by all business leaders, scholars, and students.