It has been suggested that agriculture may account for up to 24% of the greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) contributing to climate change. At the same time climate change is threatening to disrupt agricultural production. This collection reviews key research addressing this challenge.
Climate change is the biggest challenge agriculture faces. Part 1 of this collection reviews current research on the impacts of climate change on agriculture, such as the effects of increased temperatures, as well as the ways these impacts can be modelled. Part 2 assesses what we know about the contribution of agriculture to climate change, including the impacts of both crop and livestock production as well as land use. Part 3 surveys mitigation strategies to achieve a more ‘climate-smart’ agriculture such as the role of integrated crop-livestock and agroforestry systems.
Contributions by: Eline Vanuytrecht, Kennedy Were, Bal Ram Singh, Myriam Adam, Ken Boote, G. N. Falconnier, Cheryl Porter, Ehsan Eyshi Rezaei, H. Webber, Julie Wolf, Sonali Shukla McDermid, David Kanter, Catherine Scott, Mohammad Ibrahim Khalil, Syed Faiz-ul Islam, Macdara O’Neill, Bruce Osborne, Katrien Descheemaeker, Pytrik Reidsma, Ken E. Giller, Mark van Wijk, James Hammond, Simon Fraval, Jannike Wichern, Randall Ritzema, Ben Henderson, C. Mbow, E. Toensmeier, M. Brandt, D. Skole, M. Dieng, Dennis P. Garrity, B. Poulter