Software Process Technology - Second European Workshop, EWSPT '92, Trondheim, Norway, September 7-8, 1992. Proceedings
Software process technology emerged as an identified
research and development activity in the early 1980s. Since
then, several international workshops and conferences have
contributed to the creation of an international community
with a common understanding of the concepts involved.
Numerous prototypes and tools are now appearing to support
thesoftware process life cycle. The first European Workshop
on Software ProcessTechnology was held in 1991, which led
among other things to the creation ofan ESPRIT working
group. EWSPT '92 is the first event of this working group.
This volume presents the proceedings of EWSPT '92. The
papers areorganized into sections on:
- Concepts and reference frameworks,
- Humanand social aspects in process modelling,
- Process engines and enactment mechanisms,
- Models,
- Process lifecycle.