The weekly journal Freewoman, founded by Dora Marsden, is an essential periodical source for the study of the women’s movement, gender, modernity, and modernism in the early twentieth century. To borrow the expression of Rebecca West, who was its literary editor, the journal ‘had an immense effect on its time’. ‘The Correspondence’ column shows that The Freewoman had subscribers not only in the UK and Europe, but also in the feminist communities in New York and Chicago. Many influential figures supported the journal including H. G.Wells, Stella Browne, and Dorothy Richardson. This facsimile reprint is the first of its kind to include a complete collection of The Freewoman covering its two-year lifespan.
The Freewoman, which was succeeded by the leading modernist journal, The Egoist, played a significant role in the making of modernity and the discourse of feminism, and will be a vital and welcome research tool for today’s scholars of feminism, gender studies and British modernism.