Instability, disturbance, emergence, networks, informal learning, trial, error, adaptability, low growth, fluctuation and momentum - these are the experiences that are increasingly dominating the lives of today's business leaders and managers. There is a growing awareness that the old ways and constructs (driven by planning, accountability, perfection, size, profit) are no longer working as effectively as we wish. This book represents a manifesto for leading organizations in the post-industrial age. Managers who want to survive - and perhaps even succeed - need to adopt a completely different mindset and set of habits, as well as learn new ways to relate to and lead people. Managers in the post-industrial age will be nervous and anxious, but this book provides the inspiration to accept failure and imperfection as the way to navigate the changing nature of business and organizations. Written with passion and insight, and containing honest and real cases, the author makes a case for courage, authenticity and resilience as the key attributes of tomorrow's manager.