Symbolic interaction explains the world of social behavior and the development of the “self” as a function of social learning. As such, it plays an instrumental role in describing the processes that create women’s everyday lives and also, their gender-specific behaviors. Originally published in 1987, the readings collected for this volume were designed to link the sociological study of women to the well-developed and well-known tradition of symbolic interactionists’ research and theory.
The volume brings together an outstanding collection of readings on women from a symbolic interactionist perspective. The majority of these carefully selected and classroom-tested readings were published in the 1980s. One early study is included to provide a historical perspective on contemporary works. Topics addressed include childhood socialization, marriage and the home, the marketplace and social class, and adult socialization.
Students and professors alike will welcome this collection designed specifically for use in a wide range of sociology and women’s studies courses.
This book is a re-issue originally published in 1987. The language used and views portrayed are a reflection of its era and no offence is meant by the Publishers to any reader by this re-publication.