For those new to Christianity, this book provides the initial help needed when starting the journey with Jesus as it gives easy to understand explanations of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the Bible. It links the Old Testament to the New Testament by giving proof of Jesus (the prophesised 'Messiah') and then explaining God's on-going purpose. It explains who and what the Holy Sirit is and the importance and power of prayer as well as defining what God's gifts are. It is an excellent reference book to de-mystify what each book of the Old and New Testament is about. The book is aimed at individuals who may have attended one of the many popular Christian festivals held throughout the year or have been to an evangelical church service where they felt 'something' and came away convinced God or Jesus exists. Then the question arose as to 'what to do next?' The book starts with an explanation of what it means to have experienced that 'something'. It then goes on to deal with the next steps - going to a church and understanding how God will speak through the Bible. For many, the Bible is daunting.
This book seeks to provide an easy reference to where the Bible came from originally and what is in it. It offers an excellent overview explanation of each chapter.