In this monograph, differences between the Hebrew and the Greek text of
the Book of Joshua are studied. In chapter 1 the differences in commands
and their executions are analysed, with examples from the story of the
collapse of the wall of Jericho (Josh 6) and the battle against Ai (Josh
8). In chapter 2, examples, like "all the law that Joshua commanded"
(e.g. Josh 1:7) and the concept of "crossing this Jordan," are analysed
and explained using the category of "nomistic alterations." Then, the
texts dealing with the concept of "burning with fire" (Josh 7) and
"stoning and hanging (Josh 8:29), and Josh 8:30-35 are studied. In each
of these cases, the final editor of the Hebrew Masoretic Text revised an
older Hebrew text and sought to make sure that the text of the final
version better reflected the laws as given in the book of Deuteronomy.
The problematic variant with regard to "returning to Gilgal" in Josh 10
is studied in chapter 3. In chapter 4, the line of command is studied:
Joshua clearly, albeit rather late in his life, stands in the shadow of
Moses and continues in his line.
In all the chapters, text critical data of the Masoretic Text, the Old
Greek, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Vetus Latina and Josephus are
taken into account, as well as the data from the early Jewish revisers
and the Hexaplaric and the Lucianic revisions. Moreover, the translation
technique of specific passages is studied as well as the literary- and
redactional development of the text.
After studying all the variants, it is proposed that the Masoretic Text
grosso modo is a further development of the Hebrew text
underlying the Vorlage of the Old Greek text of the book of
Joshua and the editorial strategies by which the penultimate text of the
book of Joshua was transformed into the ultimate Hebrew, Masoretic Text
of the book of Joshua are described.