Korvaava tuote: 9780321885722 The latest research on cognitive theory paired with readable and practical lessons on study skills to create a balanced approach to learning strategies.
Academically rigorous yet engaging and practical, Academic Transformation successfully balances cognitive theory and research with realistic and proven skills that readers can deftly apply to their college careers. Utilizing a narrative tone, eye-catching design, and plentiful real-life examples, this text bestows students with life lessons covering the subjects of motivation, procrastination, time management, stress management, and behavior redirection — all while giving readers a solid understanding of why certain strategies lead to goal achievement.
The new second edition has been restructured and revised based on intensive feedback from college and university faculty members across the country that used the first edition text in their classrooms. The new text incorporates some of the latest research in brain-based learning and cognitive psychology and the corresponding learning strategies that are supported by these findings. In addition, the newly revised second edition of Academic Transformation has been updated to be particularly responsive to the distinctive issues and pressures of today's post-modern students.
Note: This is the standalone book, if you want the book/access card order the ISBN below:
0321944240 / 9780321944245 Academic Transformation: The Road to College Success Plus NEW MyStudentSuccessLab 2013 Update -- Access Card Package
Package consists of:
0137007566 / 9780137007561 Academic Transformation: The Road to College Success
0321943252 / 9780321943255 NEW MyStudentSuccessLab 2013 Update -- Valuepack Access Card